Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Boy!! Where do I start? This Is the first time that I attempted to tell my experience of overcoming cocaine addiction. I will start by saying that I haven't touched, or should I say haven't used cocaine since 2007. Because, their have been times in the last few years where I've been confronted with coke, rather it was in the powder or cooked up form. It was easy though. Because I was armed. Armed with an army of myself.
Some have said or have been made to believe that people don't just beat their addictions on their own. Some say that a higher power must intervene. Others of us go to these meetings and listen to others testify over and over again about not ever getting over addictions(even though they haven't used in years), and how you must keep coming back. I tried all of these things. I didn't get results. I found myself having to prove myself to another individual. They seemed to be telling me that I would never be free from this "crutch". I'm the type of person that looks for an end to things. You know? Give me my diploma and let me live. It was not until I sat down and took some time with myself that it began unfolding.

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